Menopause treatment - Revive Hormones

Menopause signals a transition in a woman's life, bringing an end to her reproductive years. While a natural process, menopause causes hormone fluctuations leading to symptoms interfering with daily life. Understanding the changes, seeking proper care, and making lifestyle adjustments can help women navigate menopause smoothly. This guide from Revive Hormones covers frequently asked questions about menopause, its symptoms, stages, diagnosis, and hormone treatment options for restoring well-being during this transition.

Defining Menopause

The medical community recognizes menopause after 12 consecutive months without a menstrual period. Perimenopause describes the transitional time leading up to menopause, lasting up to 10 years for some women.

During the menopausal transition, a woman's ovaries decrease production of key hormones—estrogen and progesterone. These fluctuations cause associated symptoms. While menopause itself is not a condition requiring treatment, addressing troublesome symptoms can significantly improve a woman's quality of life.

Revive Hormones specializes in hormone testing, menopausal treatment plans, and restoring wellness for women in midlife. Our certified menopause practitioners offer personalized care focused on lifestyle, nutrition, stress reduction techniques, and bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (HRT) tailored to the individual.

Stages of Menopause

Understanding the stages leading up to menopause empowers women to recognize symptoms and make informed healthcare decisions.


Starting for some women in their 30s, perimenopause reflects rising and falling hormone levels. Estrogen and progesterone production gradually becomes less consistent, causing associated symptoms. On average, perimenopause lasts four years leading up to the final menstrual period.

Symptoms May Include:

During perimenopause, birth control and other contraceptives remain important for pregnancy prevention. Bleeding abnormalities warrant medical care to rule out serious conditions.


Defined as 12 months without a menstrual cycle, menopause occurs on average between the ages of 45 and 55. The timeframe varies for each woman. Menopause before age 45 is considered premature or early menopause and warrants evaluation to understand causes.

With menopause, estrogen and progesterone production from the ovaries halts completely. Symptoms may persist or worsen for some women, significantly diminishing quality of life without proper treatment.


Postmenopause reflects the state after menopause formally occurs. Estrogen and progesterone levels remain low, and symptoms may continue without hormone therapy.

While hormone depletion causes immediate symptoms for some women, for others, symptoms intensify gradually over years. Proper hormone testing helps identify imbalances to guide individualized treatment plans.

Restore wellness; contact Revive Hormones for menopause care.

Signs and Symptoms

Symptoms arise from shifting hormone levels before and after menopause, causing wide-ranging effects throughout the body. Women may experience a few or multiple symptoms with varying degrees of intensity.

Common symptoms include:

Vasomotor Physiological Psychological
Hot flashes Vaginal/urogenital atrophy Mood changes
Night sweats Urinary incontinence Irritability
Chills Recurrent UTIs Anxiety
Palpitations Insomnia Depression
Headaches Joint pain Impaired memory

Estrogen depletion specifically contributes to hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, sexual dysfunction, and various urinary tract disorders. Declining estrogen also accelerates bone loss, increasing fracture risks.

Progesterone helps stabilize mood, blood sugar, water retention, and more—thus, its depletion causes multiple effects. Testosterone plays a key role in libido for both men and women. Its reduction significantly decreases sex drive.

Serious long-term health risks may arise without properly addressing menopausal hormone imbalance, including:

Seeking help for moderate to severe symptoms, understanding individual hormone levels through testing, and considering hormone therapy provides the best avenue for health during menopause. Simple lifestyle measures alone cannot correct hormonal imbalances.

Diagnosing Menopause

To diagnose menopause, physicians review a woman's symptoms, health history, and perform:

Blood tests measure follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and estradiol levels, which indicate ovarian function. Repeat testing helps distinguish between perimenopause or menopause.

Thyroid tests also prove important since hypothyroidism causes similar symptoms. Testing sex hormones, including testosterone and progesterone, provides further insights for treatment.

At Revive Hormones, we specialize in detailed hormone testing and analysis for menopause, including:

Understanding a woman's unique hormone balance and health status guides our practitioners in developing personalized, integrative treatment plans using lifestyle changes, stress reduction techniques, dietary adjustments, nutritional supplements, and bioidentical hormone therapy.

Seeking a Menopause Specialist

Not all physicians specialize in effectively diagnosing and treating menopause. At Revive Hormones, we house a diverse team of integrative practitioners and certified menopause specialists dedicated to restoring wellness during menopause through individualized care.

What distinguishes a menopause specialist?

Revive Hormones houses a diverse team of practitioners offering virtual and in-person consultations nationwide. Visit our website to learn more and schedule a menopause evaluation.

Menopause Hormone Therapy

For moderate to severe menopause symptoms, ( (HT) delivers safe, effective relief when appropriately prescribed and monitored. But confusion around past HT studies left many questioning its validity. Clarification on HT options, newer research, and studies from Revive Hormones experts set the record straight for women seeking relief during menopause.

Benefits Include:

For symptomatic relief, low-dose HT early within the menopausal transition provides maximum benefits with minimal risks. Alternatives like antidepressants or gabapentin for hot flashes carry more negative impacts compared to bioidentical hormones.

"Finding an optimal hormone balance empowers women to thrive throughout menopause and beyond," notes Dr. Angela Clark, Revive Hormones medical director and neuro-endocrinologist. "Restoring depleted hormones reactivates cellular functioning, improves sleep, brain health, metabolic processes, and more."

HT Delivery Methods

Various modalities effectively deliver bioidentical hormones, each with pros and cons to review with a practitioner:

Delivery Method Considerations
Oral tablets/capsules Absorbed through the digestive tract; metabolized by the liver
Transdermal patches Absorbed through the skin; bypass liver digestion
Vaginal creams Isolated benefits for genitourinary tissue
Injections Allows precise hormone dosing, lasting 2-12 weeks per dose
Implants Small pellets inserted under the skin continually releasing hormones for months

When determining the best HT options, consider:

Among the diverse staff at Revive Hormones, we house compounding specialists to prepare personalized hormone prescriptions meeting unique needs. For patients needing specialized dosage adjustments not possible with standard pharmaceuticals, compounding provides an optimal solution.

Revive Hormones also offers the latest techniques, including bioTE pellet implants. These rice-sized pellets inserted under the skin continually release consistent estrogen and testosterone levels for up to five months. Pellets provide ease of use, bypass digestion, and steady hormone levels—all of which reduce symptoms. Pellet implants also increase patient compliance thanks to less frequent dosing. Revive Hormones certified menopause specialists expertly oversee implant procedures and ongoing care, ensuring optimal wellness during menopause.

Proper Dosing Goals

Like any other medication, following provider instructions for hormone therapy proves essential for safety and efficacy. But uncertainties around proper use contribute to some hesitancy.

In reality, physiological bioidentical HT dosing aims to replicate healthy premenopausal hormone levels, thereby reducing risks. Our practitioners carefully monitor therapy effectiveness through ongoing assessments of:

Adjustments ensure optimal balance for the individual. If testing reveals elevated hormone levels or patients don't feel improvement with treatment, Revive Hormones specialists adjust prescriptions accordingly.

Lifestyle Keys for Menopause Wellness

While hormone therapy provides prompt relief for disruptive symptoms, certain lifestyle measures complement treatment:


Eating plenty of phytoestrogen-rich plants naturally helps tissues utilize estrogen efficiently. These include:

A Mediterranean-style diet high in plant foods benefits heart health, weight management, mental clarity, and healthy aging. Revive Hormones nutritionists provide personalized nutrition planning and testing to identify any vitamin deficiencies exacerbating menopausal symptoms.


Staying active helps manage weight, mood, sleep, and heart health during menopause. Most adults need at least 150 minutes per week of moderate activity. Weight-bearing moves to strengthen bones also prove critical to lowering fracture risks. Our staff provides sensible exercise recommendations and referrals to knowledgeable trainers.

Stress Reduction

Managing stress decreases inflammation, helping alleviate residual symptoms like fatigue, pain, and insomnia—allowing proper rest critical to health. Revive Hormones offers mental health support, mindfulness training, yoga, and personalized approaches to better manage stress for balanced well-being during menopause.

Community Support

Connecting with other women navigating menopause provides reassurance. Our team nurtures community support through in-person groups, virtual meetups, and online chat options to share experiences and advice.

While symptomatic relief of hormone therapy works promptly to renew energy, incorporating positive lifestyle habits maximizes results for full vitality through menopause and beyond. Our specialists help women identify realistic, sustainable changes for success.

Working With Revive Hormones

As a specialized hormone clinic, Revive Hormones uniquely provides targeted solutions for menopause through holistic hormone guidance. We help patients understand test results, accurately diagnose hormone imbalances, and use cutting-edge therapies like bioTE pellet implants for lasting relief.

If you're struggling to get satisfactory relief from menopause symptoms through standard medical care, consider a consultation with one of our menopause experts. We start by understanding your health history, performing needed testing for clear insights on your hormone status, metabolic health, inflammation, and stress levels. This establishes your baseline, prioritizing key areas for treatment focus.

Next, our practitioners thoughtfully assess root causes of lingering symptoms and customize integrative plans using bioidentical hormones, nutrition recommendations, supplements, stress reduction techniques, and follow-up testing to ensure optimization. You'll receive compassionate, evidence-based care, giving you greater confidence and clarity for your care.

We partner together on this transition journey so you can feel empowered navigating menopause. Visit]( to learn more and schedule your evaluation. Discover renewed energy with individualized solutions to balance your hormones and restore well-being.


Menopause is a natural transition in a woman's life, but the associated hormone fluctuations can cause a wide range of symptoms that can significantly impact daily life. By understanding the stages of menopause, seeking proper medical care, and making lifestyle adjustments, women can effectively manage these symptoms and maintain their overall well-being.

Revive Hormones offers specialized care and personalized treatment plans, including bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, to help women navigate this transition smoothly. With a team of certified menopause specialists, the clinic provides a holistic approach that considers nutrition, exercise, stress management, and hormone balance for comprehensive care.

By working with Revive Hormones, women can receive expert guidance, accurate hormone testing, and tailored solutions to alleviate menopausal symptoms and restore vitality. With the right support and treatment, menopause can be a comfortable and empowering experience.

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