Bolstered immunity - Revive Hormones

Bolstered Immunity

Bolstered immunity refers to having an enhanced immune system that is better prepared to fight off infections and diseases. This occurs when your immune system is strengthened through prior exposures or outside interventions.

There are a few key ways immunity can become bolstered:

Having improved immunity doesn't make you completely immune from getting sick. But it prepares your body's natural defenses to best protect you against illness and recover more smoothly.

Bolstered immunity is especially important for vulnerable populations like older adults and those with chronic illnesses or compromised immune systems. But a robust immune system can benefit people of all ages and backgrounds.

So, in summary - bolstered immunity refers to strengthening your body's ability to fight infections through vaccinations, illness exposures, lifestyle choices, supplements, etc. This puts your immune system in the best position to ward off disease.

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